Thursday, 22 January 2009 BLOCKED from several countries

When I try to access Facebook at work, it's blocked, and it's extremely frustrating! Do you feel the same? Well I have some fresh new proxies for you that can unblock and many other sites! was blocked in many countries like-USA,UK, middle-east countries. The latest news on this issue-

United Arab Emirates Block Facebook

The UAE’s major ISP, Etisalat, appears to have blocked Facebook. Users are reportedly seeing either an Arabic message explaining the block (shown below), or simply seeing a bogus 404 page when attempting to access Facebook. Earlier this year, the UAE temporarily blocked Orkut.

Disabling social networks is becoming increasingly popular in repressive regimes, with Facebook recently being blocked in Iran, and China blocking bloggers on LiveJournal earlier this year.

Facebook users in the UAE have setup a petition to try and prevent the nation from blocking the site.

FACEBLOCK: Facebook Blocked by British Businesses

More than 70% of British businesses have supposedly restricted or banned Facebook and similar social networks, including Credit Suisse, Dresdner Kleinwort, The Metropolitan Police, British Gas and Lloyds TSB. The Facebook angle is spin to some extent, since the software also blocks MySpace, Bebo and Hotmail. British Facebook users spend an average of 191 minutes a month of the site, says the Telegraph, among its other findings.

Aside from blocking porn and spyware, these bans seem to be the result of businesses failing to recognize that home and work life have begun to merge. Really, people need to be rewarded based on the amount of work they get done, rather than the number of hours they spend chained to a desk. And yes, that means major pay cuts for those pretending to work.

Others, meanwhile, are voluntarily leaving Facebook.

So you need latest proxies to unlock the facebook -Here are some Facebook Proxies for you:

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1 comment:

  1. Social networking sites like Facebook allow people to share information and create 'interest groups'. They should be more aware of their use. facebook blocked
